
Effective Date: 1-08-2024

These Terms of Service govern your use of FindPI’s website and private investigation services. By accessing our website or engaging our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms. Please read them carefully.

All prices exclude VAT on this website, VAT is included at the cart stage of the checkout.

1. Services Offered

FindPI provides a range of private investigation services, including people tracing, financial background reporting, pre-litigation investigations, and fraud detection. Our services are available to individuals, businesses, and legal professionals in the UK and globally.

2. Eligibility

By using our services, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. If you are engaging our services on behalf of a business or organization, you confirm that you have the authority to bind that entity to these Terms of Service.

3. No Guarantee of Outcome

While FindPI employs highly skilled investigators and utilizes advanced techniques, we cannot guarantee a specific outcome for every case. Our services aim to gather accurate information to the best of our ability; however, certain factors may limit our success, such as lack of available data or legal restrictions.

4. No Trace, No Fee Guarantee

Our people tracing service operates on a “no trace, no fee” basis. This means that if we are unable to successfully trace the individual requested, you will not be charged for the service. However, certain cases, such as financial background checks or legal investigations, may not fall under this guarantee and will be subject to standard fees, as agreed upon in advance.

Our no trace no fee does not apply where we deem the subject traced or located via data and other sources we use regardless of subsequent enquiries or outcomes.

5. Fees and Payments

Clients agree to pay the fees for services provided by FindPI as outlined in the service agreement or quotation provided prior to the commencement of the investigation. Payment terms are as follows:

Pre-Agreed Payment: All services require payment via our website prior to the investigation starting. Additional fees for any further work will be agreed upon and paid via our website before continuing.

Payment Policy: We do not offer invoicing and only commence services upon receipt of payment, which is non-refundable under all circumstances to cover our research time, regardless of the outcome.

We accept payments through secure online methods, including credit cards and debit cards.

6. Confidentiality

FindPI is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all client information and investigation details. We will not share your information with third parties unless necessary for the investigation, required by law, or with your explicit consent.

6.1 Consent for People Tracing Services

At FindPI, we take legal and ethical considerations seriously, especially when tracing individuals for family, friends, or on behalf of clients where consent is required. In cases where the purpose of the trace is non-legitimate or personal in nature, the following consent policy applies:

When Consent is Required:

  • For tracing family members, friends, or individuals for non-legitimate reasons (such as personal matters), we ensure that the subject of the trace provides explicit consent before releasing their address or contact details to the client.

  • If consent cannot be obtained from the subject, their contact information will not be disclosed to the requesting party.

How We Obtain Consent:

  • Once we trace the individual, we reach out to the subject on behalf of the client, informing them of the request and asking for their permission to share their contact details.

  • The subject’s response, whether they grant or deny consent, is documented and communicated to the client.

Payment Policy Regardless of Consent:

  • Our fee is always due once the subject has been successfully traced, regardless of whether they provide consent for their details to be shared.

  • The non-refundable payment covers the tracing service and our research efforts, which are provided in full once the subject is located, irrespective of the consent outcome.

This ensures transparency and fairness in the process while maintaining compliance with privacy laws and ethical standards.

Disclaimer for Use of FindPI Tracing and Investigation Services

By purchasing any tracing or investigation service from FindPI, the client hereby agrees to the following legally binding terms and conditions:

  1. Legitimate Purpose Declaration: The client must provide a valid and legitimate reason for conducting any trace or investigation. This reason must be selected and declared at the time of purchase and forms a legally binding agreement and statement of truth. It is the client's sole responsibility to ensure the accuracy and legality of the declared reason for the search or investigation. FindPI will not be liable for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations made by the client.

  2. Responsibility for Litigation or Data Protection Issues: The client acknowledges that any legal, regulatory, or data protection issues that arise from the declared purpose of the trace or investigation, including but not limited to breaches of the Data Protection Act 2018 or the UK GDPR, are solely the client's responsibility. FindPI will not be held liable for any such matters resulting from the client’s declaration.

  3. Family and Friend Tracing under GDPR: For family or friend tracing services, the client agrees to FindPI obtaining the subject's consent in compliance with the UK GDPR. This will be facilitated by a single template letter sent to the traced subject, which will include the client’s contact details (email or telephone). The traced subject will be invited to reach out to the client directly if they wish to do so.

    • If the subject chooses not to respond, FindPI holds no liability for such non-response, and no indemnity or refund will be provided to the client. This service is offered without any guarantee of outcome beyond the delivery of the consent request to the traced subject.

  4. Liability for False Declarations: The client’s declared reason for the trace or investigation will be stored by FindPI for compliance and regulatory purposes. If the client provides an incorrect or false declaration, they will be fully liable for any consequences, including but not limited to litigation, penalties, or fines arising from this declaration. FindPI reserves the right to cooperate with relevant authorities if necessary.

By proceeding with a purchase, the client confirms their understanding and acceptance of these terms and acknowledges that they have provided a truthful and lawful reason for the trace or investigation in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

7. Client Responsibilities

As a client of FindPI, you agree to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information regarding the subject of the investigation.

  • Ensure that your use of our services complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

  • Refrain from using any information provided by FindPI for illegal or unethical purposes.

  • Cooperate with our investigators as needed to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

8. Use of Findings

The results and reports provided by FindPI are for the exclusive use of the client and must not be distributed, published, or shared without our written consent. You agree not to use the findings for any illegal, malicious, or improper purposes.

9. Limitations of Liability

While we strive to provide the highest level of service, FindPI is not liable for:

  • Any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services.

  • Loss or damage arising from delays or errors due to third-party service providers or external factors beyond our control.

  • Any legal consequences stemming from the misuse of the information or findings provided in our reports.

Our liability, if any, will be limited to the fees paid by the client for the specific investigation in question.

10. Termination of Services

FindPI reserves the right to terminate or refuse service at our discretion, particularly in cases where a client is found to be using the service for illegal or unethical purposes. You may also terminate your engagement with us at any time, but any fees for services already rendered will remain due - non refundable.

11. Data Protection

FindPI complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws in the UK. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data.

12. Third-Party Services

In some cases, FindPI may work with trusted third-party service providers to conduct certain aspects of the investigation. We will ensure that any third parties we engage maintain the same level of confidentiality and professionalism as required by these Terms of Service.

13. Intellectual Property

All content on the FindPI website, including text, graphics, logos, and reports, is the intellectual property of FindPI and may not be reproduced, distributed, or modified without our written permission.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms or the services provided by FindPI will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the United Kingdom.

15. Amendments

FindPI reserves the right to update or amend these Terms of Service at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and continued use of our services after such changes indicates acceptance of the updated terms.

16. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at:
